Pelican Crossing Subdivision, Gonzales, LA 70737
Homes for Sale in Pelican Crossing Subdivision

Why Do People Live here?
Pelican Crossing Subdivision is located off Highway 44, south of I-10. You'll have a country atmosphere, but still only be 20 minutes from places in Baton Rouge such as the Mall of Louisiana. Home building began in the early 2000s and continues today. The subdivision has a community pool and cabana to enjoy during those hot summer days.
Looking for a home in Pelican Crossing?
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What's the Neighborhood Like?
The homes you would expect to find in Pelican Crossing Subdivision will be 3 or 4 bedrooms ranging from 1800 sf to 3000 sf. There are about 175 homes in this subdivision. Prices range from $265,000 to $500,000. While a flood map may suggest that this subdivision is located in a flood zone, most of the properties have been built above the 100-yr flood plain. A detailed check should be performed to assess the flood disposition prior to purchasing. HOA dues are currently $480/yr.
What's Going on Nearby the Pelican Crossing Subdivision?
Pelican Crossing is in a quiet area, but there is a shopping center nearby that has a grocery store, fitness center, and a number of restaurants. This subdivision is only about 20 minutes from all that Baton Rouge has to offer and is about 40 minutes from New Orleans.
Local area information for Pelican Crossing including market analysis, schools, and much more on my website.

School Assignments
If you are interested in the current school assignments for Pelican Crossing Subdivision in Gonzales, click on the link.
You can also find more information on schools (including ratings) here.
Now You Really Want to Find a Home Here, Right?
If you are interested in the current homes for sale in Pelican Crossing Subdivision in Gonzales click on the link. Our 'for sale' property information is a direct feed from a database that is updated multiple times per day.
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